E Learning/Toki Pounamu
Toki Pounamu
Welcome families and whānau of Toki Pounamu schools learners. This page will give you more detail about the Toki Pounamu programme running at Westland High School and 12 other primary and secondary schools on the West Coast.
Meaning and Aim of Toki Pounamu
“Toki Pounamu” means the ‘Sharp Edge of Learning”. “Toki” is the Māori word for an adze – symbolising authority, strength and triumph over adversity.
The overall aim of the Toki Pounamu Education Trust is to develop the capacity of children and families in the West Coast community through the advancement of learning through digital infrastructure and programmes.
Digital Immersion
‘Digital immersion’ is the Toki Pounamu learning philosophy.
The focus is on enabling students to use Chromebooks and other digital tools effectively, through a ‘Learn Create Share’ approach.
The priority goal of Toki Pounamu is to raise student achievement, particularly in writing and mathematics.
View the slideshow below for a summary of how this approach to learning works.
The Toki Pounamu cluster of schools is supported by the Manaiakalani Outreach – Connected Communities Programme.
The Hokitika hub of schools participating in Toki Pounamu is part of a funded programme, enabling schools and teachers to access intensive in-class and after school professional development. It is recognised that this is important in supporting a shift to future-focused teaching practices that recognise and reflect the changing world and workforce, that today’s youth will become part of.
Device Requirements
A requirement of Westland High School being part of the Toki Pounamu cluster of schools is that all students will be required to work on their own one-to-one device.
The school therefore strongly recommends that you purchase a Chromebook for your student through the Toki Pounamu Trust which is organised via the school office. The cost is outlined below and includes: an Acer Chromebook | a Carrycase | a Charger | Insurance | 3 year warranty.
You can alternatively choose to purchase a device elsewhere, however, once you add on all the costs that are needed to bring the Chromebook into line with the school specifications, you are unlikely to be able to obtain cheaper pricing.
Payment Options
If you choose to purchase a Chromebook through the Toki Pounamu Trust, you will need to pay a $50 deposit and can either:
- Pay for the device in full – $525
Simply come to the school office and pay by cash/cheque/eftpos where we will issue a receipt.
- Pay for the device over period of up to 6 weeks
Come to the school office to obtain an AP (Automatic Payment) form to pay Toki Pounamu directly
- Pay it off over 12, 24 or 36 months
The steps for this option are to come to the school office to obtain a:
o Credit Sales Contract (CSC), to take away and read before signing/completing
o payment schedule (to decide which payment timeframe to select)
o AP form (to set up Automatic Payments)
Next, return with your CSC. School office staff can help you complete the form. Once the form is completed and signed, you will need to pay a $50 deposit.
In order for the school to be able to order the Chromebooks in time for the start of the academic year we need written confirmation from whanau that they will purchase a Chromebook and a deposit of $50 to be paid to the school by 1st February of the school year.
Kawa of Care
At the start of the school year, students will be issued with their Chromebooks and a Kawa of Care session will be arranged for parents to attend before devices will be allowed to go home. The purpose of the Kawa of Care session is to give caregivers tips and tools for managing internet and device usage at home to ensure your children are safe.
We understand that the digital world that children are growing up in is quite overwhelming for many parents. We encourage parents to have a discussion with your child/children – let them know that internet access at home is a privilege to be earned and maintained through demonstrating Cybersmart choices, and respecting and following your guidance.
More Information
Read the “Manaiakalani Outreach Programme and Manaiakalani Pedagogy Project Milestone 3 Report – November 2017” for research into the impact of the Toki Pounamu programme.